The Tiny House Trend and What It Can Do for You in the Bay Area

The Tiny House Trend and What It Can Do for You in the Bay Area

You've probably seen these diminutive houses popping up in backyards everywhere around the Bay Area. They look like charming little cottages that belong on an Irish hillock somewhere, and they can comfortably house your in-laws, adult children moving back home or act as a source of affordable long term rental income.

HDR Remodeling ADU Granny Flat Featured on CNBC

HDR Remodeling ADU Granny Flat Featured on CNBC

CNBC featured a granny flat built in Oakland by HDR Remodeling on Sunday morning. Jane Baldwin, a retiree from Wyoming, moved to Oakland to be closer to her son. Rather than moving into his main house, she built a granny flat, officially termed Accessory Dwelling Unit or ADU for short, in his backyard. This allows her to be close to her family while maintaining her independence and privacy.

HDR Remodeling Featured in Berkeley Times Real Estate

HDR Remodeling Featured in Berkeley Times Real Estate

HDR Remodeling hosted a Lunch & Learn on Building Backyard Cottages followed by an Open House visit to one of our recently completed projects on the Oakland Berkeley border, a 400 square foot Accessory Dwelling Unit, commonly known as an in-law unit, granny flat, or backyard cottage. In attendance, was The Berkeley Times, who covered the event in last week’s paper. Accessory Dwelling Units have been garnering increased attention in the East Bay as city ordinances continue to ease the rules of building these units in single-family zoned homes, following changes in state law that lifted building and zoning restrictions.