When Is It Time To Remodel?


‘Twas December 31st and all through the house, there was creaking and tilting and unused space throughout.

The furnace burned high, but efficiency slumped, oh how I wished that we had a heat pump.

The children, now tweens, were still in bunk beds while visions of separate rooms danced in their heads.

The space in our home was perfect for two, but now there are four. There’s just not enough room!

We thought that we’d be in this home forever, could it finally be time for a remodeling endeavor?


Give yourself the gift of a remodel in the upcoming year

A new year is on the horizon and, if you’re like us, once the presents have been unwrapped and decorations have been packed away, your attention will probably turn to goals and resolutions.

If the above scenario sounds familiar, you know something has to change.

But how do you know if you should make do just a little longer, if it makes more sense to sell your home and start over, or if you are ready to take the leap and remodel?

From decades of working with Bay Area homeowners, we have found that there are three strong signs you are ready to undertake a home remodeling project with HDR Remodeling:

1. You plan to stay in the home for years to come.

Do you love your home’s location? The memories you’ve made there? The neighbors? The fruit tree in the backyard? If you’d prefer to stay put for 5 years or more, this is usually an indication that it’s worth the investment to upgrade your current home.

Planning to live in a space longer term allows you to recoup remodeling costs over time and future-proof your home for your needs later on with design features like zero threshold transitions and roll in showers, because when it comes to aging-in-place, you can’t beat home sweet home!

2. You know which spaces in your home are unused or nonfunctional.

You’ve lived in the space long enough to know that you need more counter space in your kitchen for baking, more storage for hiding presents, or a second bathroom to accommodate houseguests. The better you know your home’s idiosyncrasies and what’s working for you, or not, the more prepared you’ll be to make impactful decisions during the design process.

3. Your house has signs of wear and tear.

In the East Bay, historic dwellings are on every street and around every corner. It may not always be obvious from the exterior, but hiding behind the walls of these charming and character-filled homes we often see issues related to the age of the home or inherited from a past owner’s deferred maintenance.

Continuing to put off important repairs or improvements often leads to a more costly renovation in the future. We’re often asked if it’s possible to remodel in a way that pays homage to a home’s historic architectural style. Our answer is yes! We are well-versed in the older homes in and around Berkeley and have updated many homes while maintaining their original character.

As the curtain closes on another year completed, 365 new days will stand before us. If you’ve realized you found your forever home, if you have space that could be used in a more efficient way, or if your home is showing signs of damage then we challenge you to reach out in the new year and see the possibilities that a remodel could bring to you and your family.

Make this year, your year by giving yourself the gift of a remodel! 

P.S. We know resolutions can be hard to begin, that’s why we make the first step easy, when the time is right for you, this intake form is the first step to accomplishing your dream home.